Special Care Teen Service Board
At Special Care, we are thankful for an amazing group of metro-area high school student volunteers who brighten the lives of our students through their service on the Special Care Teen Service Board.
The volunteer-led Special Care Teen Service Board offers high school students the opportunity for direct interaction with Special Care students through monthly special events. Each event is approximately two hours in duration (5:45-7:45 pm), and the program year runs from August through April.
Special Care Teen Service Board members are required to attend seven of the ten monthly events. Special Care Teen Service Board members contribute $50 to purchase supplies for the events and a t-shirt to wear during your volunteer service. The Special Care Teen Service Board may also choose to participate in fundraising efforts for Special Care.
There is an application/interview process to be selected for the Special Care Teen Service Board. Applicants must submit their application by August 1, 2017, and attend a scheduled interview. (Prior Special Care Teen Service Board members do not need to attend an interview.) Once selected, Special Care Teen Service Board are required to attend an orientation in August 2017. To apply, download the application here: 2018-2019 Special Care Teen Service Board Application